Welcome designers/participants of Desert Design Days in Scottsdale, AZ. I hope your experience was inspirational and productive. As a local artist, I have found the experience helpful in building my relationships with designers and understanding the work of designers and their teams.

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for.”

Georgia O'Keeffe

One lesson that has been the most helpful from my time invested with the design world is true color. Why color and tone are so vital to a space and how art can create and revolutionize a project based on the colors it translates. I am passionate about color and I wanted to make a point about how important translating that color is in a digital world as we design and communicate to make spaces into what they are meant to be…So, this is just a friendly reminder to make sure photographers are using Color Checker charts/White Balancing when shooting your space for publication or during the process of art collecting (unless you start with the art first-which is what I would recommend! ;).

Because color is as essential for designers as it is for artists…and it shouldn’t get lost in translation. Below is one a quick video on how a Color Checker chart works…

*I am especially grateful to TOWN for being supportive of local arts and showcasing my work. Please visit TOWN to view a few select pieces.