A Western Romance in 300 Words

Johnny Loved

“JOHNNY. Wake up! Get your boots.”

“What the…”

“Get up. We gotta go. They’re comin’.”

“I can’t, I can’t feel my leg...”

“Get up. We gotta run.”

“They a mile out yet?”

“I reckon. Now C’mon. They’ll kill us. I told you we shoulda…”

“Ain’t you listenin’? How come you can hear horses a mile off but you can’t hear this. I cannot feel my leg goddammit.”

“I’ll hafta drag ya. The horses was spooked while we was drunk…

“Damn Appaloosas.”

Johnny finally tried to stand. 

“Hold onto my neck ya worthless son of a bitch.”

“Where ma boots? My rifle?”

“Where is your rifle? - Dammit Johnny. If Pa saw…”

“Musta been a rattler that got me…”

“There’s your rifle. Now, hold onto mah neck.”

“Why won’t they let me be?” 

“You kilt their woman, that’s why.”

“I didn’t kill her. That half breed baby kilt her.”

“All the same. Let’s git.”

“Just leave me by that mesquite right thar’.”

“I ain’t leavin’ you nowheres.”

“Let go a me. I ain’t even fit…”

“Let’s go!”

“Ruben, I’m sad, drunk, and one legged.”

“You better sober up.”

“I’ll give ya cover from here, now git…”

“But I promised our Pa…”

“He’s dead, Ruben.”

“Alright, but just stay put. I’ll come back...” 

“You ain’t gotta come back. Hurry now, get to the bluff…”

“They’ll kill ya.”

“Yes, Ruben…She was worth it. Now git before they kill you too.”

“I ain’t ever leavin you....”

“Listen to me, you gotta care for the boy.”


“Promise me, and Ruben…tell the boy he was mine…tell him the truth about his mother.”

Ruben lowered his head. 

“I’ll catch ‘em best I can from here. Now go on.”

“Goodbye Johnny…”

Johnny loaded his rifle and waited. He knew he’d be with her in the sky before nightfall.